Bo Zhao

bozhaonanjing [AT] gmail [DOT] com


​Bo Zhao is an Associate Professor (Tenure Track) at School of Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Before, he was with BAAI as Principal Investigator, leading DCAI group. He received Ph.D. from The University of Edinburgh and M.Eng. from Peking University. He was a research intern in Snap Inc. and SenseTime. His research interests include Data-centric AI, Multimodal LLM, Embodied AI and Machine Learning. He received ICML 2022 Outstanding Paper Award. He was the only nominee of The University of Edinburgh for Informatics-Europe Best Dissertation Award 2023. He received NSFC fundings on MLLMs and Dataset Condensation. He served as an Area Chair for NeurIPS'24 and BMVC'24, and organizers for DD workshops at CVPR'24 and ECCV'24. 入选国家级青年人才项目。

I am working on MLLM, Embodied AI and Data-centric AI. Collaborations are welcome. Feel free to contact me. 



Full list in Google Scholar

The ninth-highest rated paper (9/15671) in NeurIPS 2024. Ranking.

The second-highest rated paper 2/2997 in ICLR 2021. Ranking.